Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Turkey Day!

I know I haven't blogged in a few days, but I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! I'm home for the holiday and I'm working at my job for a few days, so I haven't had any time to take pictures of anything or anything like that for my blog. I work in retail and tomorrow the place I work at is opening at 4AM, so I'm scheduled to be there at 3:30... Ekkk. So I'm going to try to go to sleep early. The only problem is, I'm freaking out about this exam my professor scheduled for Monday, the day after our break, which would be this monday, at 8AM. So I really want to study, but I really want to go to sleep, ahhh... Stupid professor. haha...

Anyway I hope everyone enjoyed their meals and stuffed their faces, because I know I did! Haha...



  1. oh nnoooo that stinks you had to work so early in the AM! hope you had a lovely thanksgiving!

  2. Hey im not sure if you know this site or not but its its basically a womens domain of ebay but there is no bidding, you can get your own"shoppe" and sell stuff on it, i think you could do amazing with it. i love your clay artistic ability!

    Good Luck and Happy Holidays.


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