Saturday, March 24, 2012

Week in iPhone Photos

I really do need to come up with a more clever title for these posts. haha.
I have been so busy this week. And this upcoming week isn't any better. 
I hardly took any photos, the photos I did take with my phone are from the past two days. 
You'd think coming back from Spring Break you'd have a little break, nope, continue on with all the damn homework, assignments, and of course exams. Can't take it!

Anyway, here are some photos. :) 

I love these flip flops because their so soft!!!

My bright blue nails.. hehe, I really need to repaint them, they've been like that for a while!

Do anyone else do this? I print out a grocery list and take it with me, it helps me remember things I normally would forget. My fiance and I had a big order, we haven't been grocery shopping in a month, our fridge was bare!


Seen the Hunger Games yesterday and snuck in some goodies, yup, we're cheap like that! :)
Oh, and Hunger Games was AMAZING, almost exactly like the book. Hope they come out with the other two. 

Have a great weekend everyone. I have lots of homework to do, and of course, I have two exams Monday and Tuesday. :(

Thanks for reading!!


  1. Where did you print out that grocery list?! I TOTALLY NEED ONE lol.

    I haven't read the book but I've been wanting to see the movie. I'm still debating whether or not to go ahead and watch it >_<!

  2. @Lindah
    Hey, all you need to do is google grocery list and click on images... lol.. but I found mine here:

    You should just go! It's exactly like the book, so you don't even need to read it. There's minor details they changed, but it wasn't for the worst!

  3. lol, totally better to bring it in :)
    love the starburst, yum

    love k


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