I posted 2 new YouTube videos, so I thought I would share, one is my outfit of the day, and the other is how to wear your scarf different ways... requested. :)
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Different Ways to wear your scarf, and outfit of the day
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Favorite Product of the Month, NYX Swatches, HIP Swatches, Outfit of the Day
I hope to do more of these, and tell me what you think. I just wanted to talk a little bit about my favorite product of the month. I use an Acne cleanser for my face for the morning and at night, but I felt like it wasn't really deep cleaning my skin, so I wanted to try something with a little bit of more consistency and that exfoliates. The acne cleanser I'm using now does have those little balls(lol) that kind of deep clean, but not really. So when I was at Wal-Mart I decided to check out other cleansers, and since I'm on a strict budget now with my new vehicle, I thought I'd look for something affordable. So I saw this, it's by Dove, and it's an exfoliator. I've been using this for about more than a week now, once a day, and I've noticed my skin being a lot softer, and cleaner, and I haven't had a break out yet. And I'm extremely sensitive to breakouts with products!
First of all, here's my YouTube Video of it:

See the little "blue balls" exfoliators???... hehe

Rating: 4/5 (only because I've only been using it for a week or so)
I also went to Ulta because I had a coupon $3.50 off a $10 purchase and today was the last day, so I had to go. Unfortunately, they were all out of the Stila for Barbie collection. I want that palette!! So I ended up getting these:

I'm actually really surprised at the pigmentation of the Loreal Hip line.. ah-mazing, the color pay off is great!

I'm not a huge purple fan, but for some reason this season, I find myself wanting to wear purple.. weird, I know. And I love this color!

I also picked up some nail art...

And a ring... $2.00!!

And here's an outfit I wore the other day I wanted to post, but forgot about... it's a Cardigan from Macy's, a long tank from Forever 21, and Black leggings(unknown), and a scarf from my previous haul...

I'm in desperate need of an outfit for my birthday and can't seem to find anything I like... :(
Friday, September 25, 2009
Little Haul, and Update
I made a youtube video on my recent little collective haul, and also a little update about myself...
Saturday, September 19, 2009
9 Outfits with 1 Plaid Shirt...
Here's me again trying to stretch my wardrobe with different outfit ideas with one piece... this time I'm pairing it with a basic plaid shirt featured in one of my hauls.. And I look tired because I was doing this at 1 in the morning!! School and work really has gotten the best of me!!
With wide-leg Linen pants

Wide-leg linen pants, jean jacket and scarf

Jean Skirt with black scarf

Leggings with cream scarf

With black jean pencil skirt with black belt

Same but with cardigan

With a dressy pencil skirt

Same but with gray wide belt

With Hollister jeans

Friday, September 11, 2009
Purses, Shoes, Clothing Haul, Fall Outfit Ideas
Hello! I don't know about anyone else, but I am jammed with school work, and work. I go to school full time, and I also work full time.... and I have a full time boyfriend. lol JK(Love you John!) But ya, so I apologize for the lack of updates. :(
But anyway, I wanted to share with you girls some new things I've gotten since we last spoke... As you know I ordered the boots and the purse from Victoria Secrets.. unfortunately, I didn't even take any pictures of the boots, they're already packaged up and ready to return... they're DEFECTIVE!! $158 boots... defective... umm... hello?? lol So I'm keeping the beautiful Guess purse...

I also bought me some new boots... and some new flats...

My new studded flats and purse.. <3

New boots by Fergie... Oh my goodness, these boots are unbelievably comfortable... They're black, but my camera kind of washed the color out...

Those boots are more beautiful than my Victoria Secrets ones.. :) And boxed nicer too! The box of the Vicki's ones are like a cheap cardboard... ew..
So I thought I'd try something new.. whenever I buy something I want to make sure I can do different outfit ideas with it, and if I can't do any outfits at all with what I buy, I'm not going to keep it... maybe this will help me better organize my closet, and it'll also help me with different outfits I could wear... if that makes any sense at all.. and guess what? You girls get to be the judge of my outfit ideas hahaa.....
So with this, I bought this floral skirt just recently and decided to try to do different outfit ideas...
Just the skirt with a plain black tank, tank tucked in

I decided to try to add a belt to change the look

Then for fall I thought it would look nice with a plain cardigan.. too bad I don't have a nice blue/pink cardigan to go with the floral....
Unbuttoned Cardigan


With cardigan unbuttoned w/ belt

Cardigan buttoned with belt over

Outfit all-together with leggings and I'd pair it with my black Uggs

A top I bought that I thought was sooo cute... with a bow on it... :)

I paired it with a pencil skirt...

I'd probably pair it with my tweed boots...(not pictured)

I hope this helped you girls with different outfit ideas you can do with a skirt... or maybe you should try this... it really helps with when you go to decide what you want to wear that day.. you can remember this and it'll be easier to get ready in the morning...
Friday, September 4, 2009
Outfit of the day, Labor Day Outfit
Two entries in one day? Exciting, I know. :) Here's my outfit of the day for today, and an option you can wear for Labor Day. Very simple, and basic, but yet cute!

Blazer: Charlotte Russe
Shorts: Hollister
Shoes: Wet Seal
Juicy Couture Charm Collection Requested...
It was requested on YouTube for me to do my Juicy Couture collection ... so I decided to do my charm collection. So here are the videos:
I also did an outfit of the day.. I'll try to post later. :)
Thursday, September 3, 2009
I'm finally on Twitter.... finally... add me and I'll return the favor! :) Isn't this exciting??? haha...
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Exciting Deal...
This is very, very random, but I absolutely needed to share, because I'm so excited about it.... So in one of my videos I mentioned how I wanted to order a pair of boots from Victoria Secrets that I saw in their one catalog... but couldn't decide if I really wanted to spend the $148 on them...
ALSO I really wanted this purse from Guess for the fall... which is $140...
Which I was going to get anyway when I went to King of Prussia for my birthday... BUT , ironically Victoria Secrets has the same exact purse on their website!!
So this is what I did... :) I added both items to my shopping bag... bringing the total to $288.... I had a coupon if you spend over $250 you get $75 off... bringing and there is another coupon for boots for an extra 20% off... bring my total to... $203 with shipping... well I had a $60 reward coupon... PLUS a $13 gift card... anyway... TOTAL for both items is $130!!!!!!
Oh yes... I'm excited.... :)
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Mount Airy Casino & Resort/Tannersville Outlet Shopping
Hello! I wanted to post about my little get-a-way to Mount Airy Casino and & Resort when we went 2 weeks ago. :) It was kind of considered like our last get-a-way before school starts and summer ends :( Just me and John. :) It was nice...
If you ever come to PA and you wanna go somewhere with your lover... check out the Poconos... :) If anyone lives in PA they know what I'm talking about. Endless honey moon resorts and couples resorts. :)
So here are a few photos of the jacuzzi, along with John and I. :)
I <3 the color of this jacuzzi..

Fill-'er up!

John and I before heading out

Mount Airy


Me cam-whoring on top of the jacuzzi, waiting for it to fill up. :)

John won the following day at the casino when we were getting ready to leave... it was his last $2 on a $1 machine.. he max bet and won big!! Well maybe not that big, but $300 to us, is nice :)

Sooooooo..... I went shopping... haha :)
From Rue 21:


Fleece jacket for $30!!

Juicy Couture headband, on clearance, got it for $12


Went to Claires and picked up accessory holders:

Also picked up hair accessories and a brown lil clutch for going out... don't have one of these...

Along with the video I did on the haul...

More classes tomorrow... I hope to do another video...