Hello! I wanted to post about my little get-a-way to Mount Airy Casino and & Resort when we went 2 weeks ago. :) It was kind of considered like our last get-a-way before school starts and summer ends :( Just me and John. :) It was nice...
If you ever come to PA and you wanna go somewhere with your lover... check out the Poconos... :) If anyone lives in PA they know what I'm talking about. Endless honey moon resorts and couples resorts. :)
So here are a few photos of the jacuzzi, along with John and I. :)
I <3 the color of this jacuzzi..

Fill-'er up!

John and I before heading out

Mount Airy


Me cam-whoring on top of the jacuzzi, waiting for it to fill up. :)

John won the following day at the casino when we were getting ready to leave... it was his last $2 on a $1 machine.. he max bet and won big!! Well maybe not that big, but $300 to us, is nice :)

Sooooooo..... I went shopping... haha :)
From Rue 21:


Fleece jacket for $30!!

Juicy Couture headband, on clearance, got it for $12


Went to Claires and picked up accessory holders:

Also picked up hair accessories and a brown lil clutch for going out... don't have one of these...

Along with the video I did on the haul...

More classes tomorrow... I hope to do another video...
that's so cool. ive never seen a heart shaped jucuzzi. (sp?)
Wow~ that's a cool heart shape jacuzzi. Nice. =)
That cupcake and muffin tshirt is super adorable. I luv the words.
How do u always end up with the cutest cupcake stuff? I want a few of those items.
Luv your shopping haul as always. =)
I've never been there before but it looks really nice. Did you go shopping at the Crossings? I haven't been there in forever but I've been meaning to go b/c I really want to go to Juicy! Nice shopping haul!
awhh, the jacuzzi is so romantic looking! :D And I LOVEEE that fleece jacket! It's really a good steal :) I'm going to go search for one now ^_^
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