I had a wonderful Christmas filled with lots of goodies from Santa.
I'll share some photos throughout the day. I have so many, so I'm going to limit it to a few.
My fiance and I after we left his grandfather's house.

At night my fiance and I exchanged gifts. It's so hectic during the day we have to open our presents up at night. But I don't mind at all because it gives me something to look forward to all day. :)

I bought my fiance's these boxers because I love the outside package. He calles Toilet Paper TP. So I thought it was funny and I had to buy it for him.

This was my fiance's big surprise. He wanted wheels for his car last year but I didn't buy them, so I surprised him this Christmas with them. I know there is only two photographed here, but the other two were out in our garage, just in case you thought he got jipped! haha.

He was SO excited and it was all he talked about. Even though he can't use them until the summer, he is still really excited. The moment a person opens up a present you're expecting them to love, and you see them smile it's exactly the reaction you're hoping for makes your day. Does that make any sense to you?! lol. I hope so!

My fiance surprised me with a Juicy Couture bag and a soft cuddly bear. He is officially called Mr. Snuggles.

Vanessa is now a proud owner of a Lu Lu Lemon jacket. I don't know how he knew I wanted it, I guess he's been looking at my instagram(vzaleski)! :)

And of course a picture of us both by the Christmas tree. Unfortunately it came out blurry, but I am happy with it. Better than nothing!

I also got so many other great goodies from my family that I will share another day. I do not intend on doing a big "haul" post, but I'll post some things. :)
I am considering taking a break until after the new year. It's time to update my resume with my internship and start applying for accounting positions. I have some time off of work next week so that is my intentions along with doing some shopping with all of my gift cards.
If I do not blog, I hope everyone has a wonderful and happy New Year and of course a safe one!