Hello.. so I did some retail therapy today. I'm going away to Hershey Park, it's an amusement park, my absolute favorite amusement park. So I decided to go shopping for an outfit(of course!). And I also picked up a few things for the beach. I'm leaving this upcoming Wednesday.
I'll include pictures in an upcoming post, it's late and I'm kind of tired. I'm also doing another video tomorrow of something else.. But please please if anyone has any requests, please please please leave me know. I enjoy doing these videos and sometimes I don't know what to do them on, so give me a request any request, I'll be glad to fulfill :)
Anyway girls, talk to you tomorrow... here's the short video :)
Friday, May 29, 2009
Collective Haul Video
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Tagged "Where do you blog"
So I was tagged by the beautiful Sassy Jadore to do the "Where do you blog"
Here's where I blog... yup on my bed. I don't have a desk or anything I actually got rid of the desk to have my makeup vanity, and a cabinet for my clothes ... haha :) It's more comfy anyway, I wake up, grab my laptop and just relax in my bed... which probably explains why i spend hours on the internet... haha
Once you are tagged, post a picture of where you blog.
Feel free to tell us a little about your space.
Tag five other bloggers to show their blogspots.
If you are tagged and do not participate, you will become allergic to cabbage.
What are you wearing right now?
Relaxing before bed so my Victoria Secrets Pink sweats with my wet seal white and pink stripped cami.. :)
What's the last thing you read/are currently reading?
Victoria Beckhams book, "Extra half an inch"
Do you nap a lot?
I can't nap, I feel like when I nap I'm wasting time and it screws up my schedule... I dunno. lol
Who was the last person you hugged?
My friend who got a promotion :)
What's your current obsession/addiction?
Vacations, dresses, blogging, Victoria Secrets Semi annual sale hahaha
What's for dinner?
I had Broccoli and Cheese... mMmmmmMM
What was the last thing you bought?
Another bikini, a bow ring, and a top :)
What are you listening to right now?
Nothing... well the rain
If you could have any super power, what would it be?
Hmmm... to foresee what my future holds
What is your favorite weather, and why?
Ohhhhh warm and sunny! Because I just do... I hate when it rains and I hate when I'm cold.. icky.
What time do you usually get up?
Weekdays 8:00 to workout for an hour and to go to work, weekends, different story haha
What is your most challenging goal right now?
Right now? Trying to figure out what to wear for Hershey Park
Say something to the person who tagged you:
Sassy Jadore is beautiful :) And I enjoy reading her FABOLOUS blog :)
If you could have a house- totally paid for, fully furnished- anywhere in the world, where would you want it to be?
Long Beach Island, NJ
Favorite vacation spot?
Atlantic City... not to gamble, only because that's the first time me and my boyfriend ever went on vacation ALONE, it was perfect, and I always keep going back to it, it makes me happy. :)
What is your favorite item of clothing?
Dresses currently, I feel the need to stock up on them for some reason, and they're so easy to pair with shoes and out the door you go :)
Favorite pair of shoes you keep going back to over and over, even though your closet is overflowing with a zillion others?
My Guess flip flops... I <3 those!
Name one thing you cannot live without.
My boyfriend... :)
What time is bed time?
If you could wake up anywhere tomorrow morning, where would it be?
In Atlantic City with the boyfriend at the Hilton :)
I tag these Fabulous ladies:
Ok thanks for the tag Sassy Jadore!!! :)
Monday, May 25, 2009
Happy Memorial Day!!!
Hey girls! I hope everyone enjoyed their Memorial Day! I know I did... ate some good food and had an awesome cherry milkshake... mmMMmMmmm... I uploaded a video to youtube this morning so I'm posting now...
Also here's some pictures of the day:
FACE: Nothing
Eyes: Rimmels White eyeliner
Victoria Secrets Very Sexy eyeliner in Aqua under my eyes
Physicians FOrmula in their Baked Collection
Revlons Mascara in 3D Extreme
Loreals Morning Glory Pearl eyeshadow
Lips: Beauty Rush Bananas

We went out to the lake today, so calming a beautiful

Me on a Kayak...

True out-doorsmen

At some state park we found

We went to our local grocery store to find this freakin awesome Hamburger/French Fries cake... the fries were made out of cake and the buns of the hamburger were also made out of cake everything else was icing... MmMmm I wanted it so bad.. but I have to be a good girl... :(

And I wore the dress WITHOUT the belt... thanks for your opinions girls!!

Ok girls, I'm off to bed, I'm exhausted, I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend!!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Memorial Day outfit
I'm uploading a new YouTube video right now, so I'll add that later. It includes the makeup I hauled... But anyway, for now you'll just have to accept me cam-whoring.. lol I got 2 new Pink dresses from Vicki's on clearance... The blue one I hope to wear on Memorial Day
With or without the belt???

Plain Pink Dress

Ok, that's all girls...
Have a wonderful night :)
Friday, May 22, 2009
My Haul from Aileen(amore-vintage.blogspot.com)
A BIG BIG thank you to Aileen from amore-vintage.blogspot.com for my wonderful package. More like a care package! I was super-excited when I seen I got your package. I was actually having a really bad day that day, but when I came home and got your package you made my day. :)
For the people that don't know Aileen makes her own jewelry and sells them on her blog(amore-vintage.blogspot.com) Please check her out. Her stuff is too cute for words. So I ordered a bracelet and necklace, and she threw in a cupcake cell-phone lanyard, and a ton of candy AND samples. You spoiled me hunny, thank you so much!
Without further a-do... Here's my care package:
Neatly wrapped

A cute note adorned with jewels

The ADORABLE packaging, I'm a sucker for cute packaging... :)

My cupcake/sushi bracelet


My cupcake/sushi necklace with a bow

My ADORABLE cell-phone cupcake lanyard

On my cellphone matches it perfectly. :)

Samples.. MMmmmMmm

Thank you again Aileen, you made my day... made my WEEK! Thank you so much. EVeryone make sure to check out her stuff, it's adorable, and AFFORDABLE!
Just in case anyone didn't know Victoria Secrets Very Sexy makeup is being discontinued, so yesterday they marked everything to 75% OFF!!! I got a ton of stuff for under $30 They also marked down a lot of their bras to 19.99 and panties are 10 for $25.. normally 5 for $25... good deal! They also marked down some of their Pink collection, I picked up 2 dresses, I'll post tomorrow. And a lot of their little accessories are 50% off. Along with swim wear is marked down. But sale officially starts the 16th, and some stores open at 7:00AM sharp!!! I'll be that CRAZY shopper! haha.
I'm dying my hair tomorrow to a light reddish brown, so I'll post pictures and stuff over the weekend.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Look for Under $10 Part 2
Hey girls/guys! I have another look I did for under $10. I'm using all the same products listed in my other entry for Look Under $10 except for the eyeshadow I'm using the other eyeshadow palette from Big Lots by Physicians Formula. It's more of a casual look, and not too flashy but I thought I'd list it anyway. The palette is a Wet/Dry Luminous Matte eyeshadow. From their Baked Collection in Baked Sugar. I really like this palette because it's simply and easy and the shadows are super easy to blend! AND only $2.00!

On a side note my boyfriend surprised me by taking me to Knoebels Amusement Park here in Elysburg PA. If you're from PA you would know what I'm talking about. He said to me this morning let's going looking for Mercedes because he looks into buying a new car, well he was going the same route as the way to this Knoebels Park, and there was a sign for the amusement park, and I was like "We're going to Knoebels aren't we?" He's like "What? I want fudge." lol... So here's 2 pics from our trip, I have more listed on my myspace page, but for now here's 2 of them...

Clowns scare me, but he was friendly so I was ok with this.. haha

Anyway, I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I have a NYX haul I want to show, and of course more clothing! :) You know me!!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Victoria Secrets Semi-Annual Sale Online Haul!!
Today started Victoria Secrets semi annual sale, and I was all over that ;) I <3 Vicki's and I do much damage when it comes to this sale. I never really bought things online during the sale, but this year I seen quite a few things, so I couldn't pass it up. I believe, don't quote me, the sale IN-STORE starts June 16th. I emailed Vicki's twice about it and for that response twice, so if anyone heard anything different please leave me know! I attend ever sale, and go crazy, I think I might have a problem. But I thought I'd share what I got online, and when I get it, I'll show you!
Very Sexy Low-back multi-way bra with Gel-Curve

Victoria's Secret - Low-back multi-way bra with Gel-Curve®
Very Sexy The all new Miracle Bra push-up

Victoria Secrets Pink Ruffle Strip Dress

Victoria Secrets Pink Hoodie dress/cover up

Victoria Secrets Stripped dress... I want to wear this when me and the boyfriend go to Virginia to celebrate July 4th :)

Victoria Secrets Pink Crop denim distressed Jacket( I am in desperate need for a new one, the one I have is from 3+ yrs ago!)

Victoria Secrets Pink T-Shirt dress... i doubt I'm keeping this, I like it but I don't know.. I dont LOVE it

I got this bikini, never had a tube top one, so I'mma try it. I don't know if I'll like it...

The Miracle Bra push up bikini... I'm SO excited for this *crosses fingers* Give me boobs, give me boobs!!!!

Victoria Secrets Pink heart bikini(in pink, not blue)

Victoria Secrets Pink floral tiered skirt

Pleated strapless bra top dress

Srapless smocked dress... but in red/white check... adorable, can't wait to wear it!!

Might order more... might... hmmmm
Just ordered this order overall jumpsuit in black... it's too cute!!!

and these linen pants.. I <3 linen pants Marissa Fit Linen sailor pant in White