I <3 summer. The flips flops, the skirts, the dresses, the cute seashell accessories... I don't really know where I'm going with this, but I sure do LOVE summer! :) John and I have been planning our festivities for this summer, and I can't wait!!!
Anyhow... this past friday me and John had some quality time together so we went to the creek and played in the water and had some ice cream. <3 My outfit was very plain and to be honest I usually love to just wear sweat pants on my days off, I need to get out of that habit, but it's true. 70% of the time when I'm off, I'm in my sweats, which explains my love for Victoria Secrets Pink... but nonetheless here's my outfit for the day..
Another reason I'm taking this photo is to show off my new T-shirt from Hollywood Tans, everytime I try to get one the smalls run out so quickly, but this time I was able to snatch one up :) On the back it says "Do it standing up" I could just imagine the older people when they see my shirt... hahah
Here's a pic of the creek we played in

And we were just playing around, and snapping photos and since I made it to this tiny rock in the center, John was so proud we took a bunch of photos of me on it hahah

ANYWAY... moving on from that, here's some clothes and makeup and accessories and shoes I've gotten within the last week or so...
Cute blue dress from where I work... I'll pair this with a brown belt or vest and some brown gladiator sandals

I want to pair this with a pair of white linen pants I got last year from Wet Seal and I have this big red Guess necklace with gingham checks on it with huge red BALLS lol..

This is green and blue stripped.. it's so adorable and super long on me, I might try to shorten it...

Detail of the bust, it's just so cute, I'd pair it with a vest and flip flops

Decree earrings... love them

Detail, love the flower and pearl, adorable

Cute dress from Forever 21

So I got this dress for a whooping $7.00 It's actually not even a dress, it's suppose to be an intimate item... but I think i could definitely pull it off as a dress.. and not only that it's adorable, I'm going back to get more! And the best part... it's from Wal-Mart! See, who says you can't find cute clothes at Wal-Mart?

Cute shoes I got from Wet Seal

Me and the boyfriend headed to Big Lots and I decided to checkout their makeup selection because sometimes I find good deals... and I sure did..

Physicians Formula eyeshadows.. wet/dry eyeshadows.. I'll do more of a review once I try it, but I love the diamond shaped casing

The colors.. I'll do a detailed review another day

Also I got this from Juicy Couture the other day...and I'm so excited about it you don't even know. I have a wide-collection of these damn Juicy charms, it's getting out of hand, I love them so much though! Me and a bunch of friends are going to Long Beach Island this year and they have a beautiful lighthouse, so that's what reminded me of it, so I had to have it :)

Ok, so this is going to be a little off-topic from my normal blogging, but I'm so excited about this particular item i can't wait to get it.... and I had to share. So I've been on this diet for the past 3 weeks and I'm always looking for new ways of helping me lose weight. I mostly just want to tone and all that fun stuff... get me beach ready since I'll be practically living there this summer.. And I found this on amazon.com It's by Bally's.. it's a slimmer belt to help you sweat more in your tummy area, and help tone it down. Which is what I want! By reading the reviews woman are losing inches fast because their sweating more in their mid sections!! Why didn't I know about this sooner.... HELLO! From reading the reviews it's a miracle worker.. so here I am, hoping for MY miracle.. the only thing is I hope it's not TOO big for my waist where I won't be able to have it tight enough to help tone it down... but the one girl who reviewed it said she just moved the zippers further to help tighten it... For $13.73, I figured what the hell... I'm excited

I also just work out at home with work out DvD's and I'm using the same Dvd's I've been using since the last time i was on a diet which was 3 years ago... so I decided to pick up some new ones..

Wooooo long post, but well needed... I hope all those mothers out there enjoyed their mothers day! :) I went with my mom to Logans Roadhouse to eat... MmmMmmM...
Summer Summer Timeeee
love the dangling earrings and oooh the light house from Juicy?! Awsome-ness!!
i love the haul! especially the dresses, perfect for summer,& i loooove summer too! =] btw, that slimmer belt, i use that too when i work out and lemme tell you, it WORKSS, i love mine. you'll get a ton of sweat on that belt after your workout!
You don't need to lose weight, you're already skinny!! :P Love the hauls and who doesn't love SUMMER? :)
ooooooooooooh, please do an update on the belt!
Love the dresses...
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