As you guys know from my previous post my fiance bought me a bikini from that I really wanted, but the bikini bottoms were entirely TOO small. :( Psssh so I found a pair of bikini bottoms from for $18.99 on clearance that I love. I also picked up a dress from their Bra Top collection that I'm in love with. I love the colors and it'll be perfect for the beach. Which by the way in less than a month away! I seriously can not wait!
The new bikini bottoms that will cover up my tush. :P

Bra Top Dress for a whopping $19.99 I love it because it's also long enough for me.

What it looks like on. BTW I just got out of the shower when I took the picture, so please excuse the wet hair. haha

I love how flowy it is on me. It'll be so comfortable.

Remember the flower headband from my Baltimore Maryland Shopping Haul Post? If not, here's a photo of it. I'm thinking of pairing it with the pink dress! :)

Yesterday marked one year since John and I have been engaged.

It's been one hell of a year. But I truly am happy that we're engaged. Even though there was been no planning like I anticipated
(because of my family) I couldn't be happier. I'm with the one person that can truly make me happy and that's all that matters. I love him to pieces and can't believe we've gone this far.