I'm alive. I made it through this cold, and then got the fiance sick. :( Oops. We sat around in our pj's from Valentines Day until this past Sunday. I finally got my butt in gear and made our bed. It was time. We still have yet to celebrate Valentines Day and with an Organic Chemistry 2 exam coming this Wednesday for my fiance doesn't look like we'll be celebrating until after this Wednesday. Which I'm totally fine with, because I am not prepared. I haven't even bought a card...
But enough rambling from me, the fiance and I went to TJMaxx last week and I stumbled across this little beauty. A Chi blowdryer. That's right, I'm collecting Chi's now. From the straightener to this. Very professional of me, wouldn't you say? Today I finally brought the Chi out of it's hiding and into the light and took photos and then used it. Today I'm presenting to you, my new Chi blow dryer which I scored for $69.99!

Do you see that attachment on the upper right hand side? I used that today! I use to have one a long, long time ago, I'm talking years, but the blow dryer just died on me so I couldn't use it, but it was my go to for my curly hair. I missed it. Dearly. And now that this Chi blow dryer comes with it, is literally amazing.

Pretty frosted white. :)

All kinds of fun settings. High, medium, and low heat. High, medium, and low fan, and a cooling option! I never had so many setting in a blow dryer before. I can't even keep it on high fan or high heat, it's TOO hot. I keep it on medium settings. It's perfect.

That's right, $69.99

Today I decided to curl my hair because I was entirely too excited about the curling attachment.. and look, it doesn't even look frizzy!

Yes, that is the grinch in the background. lol.

In natural light with my ombre hair.

I can definitely see myself saving alot of time now by using this curling attachment. It'll take me 5 minutes to do my hair tops! Keep in mind, I don't have naturally straight hair, I have curly hair, so I'm not sure you'll get the same results, but definitely a wave you would get!
Anyway, Happy Monday! I'm off to make chocolate covered strawberries. Have a good day!
thnx for the info, looks nice, although my favorite right now is the karmin g3 hair dryer is very good too and keeps my hair soft and smooth. :D
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